Thursday, December 10, 2009

Are Action Steps Essential?

Boil the practice of coaching down to it's core two functions and you are left with reflection for insights and actions steps for application. Yet, some people struggle with coaching action steps. They view stimulating reflection as virtuous and the main job of a coach, while generating action steps as too pragmatic and therefore optional.

The article looks at where these attitudes may stem from and take a closer look at a spiritual process of setting action steps.

Comment below.

1 comment:

Keith Webb said...

Someone emailed me asking: can you tell me what the 6 points were? sounds very interesting.

Here's the six points Dave and I trained in India:

1. Holy Spirit (The answer to why coach instead of tell.)
2. COACH Model
3. Active Listening
4. Powerful Questions
5. Action Steps
6. Following-Up