Sunday, September 6, 2009

Authentic Credibility

In your ministry, are you credible? Credibility is determined by how people answers these two questions about us:

1. Does she know what she is talking about? That's Competency.
2. Will he do what he say he will? That's Reliability.

Read the whole article here, then comment below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a very helpful presentation that highlights an issue I've been working through with a mentoree. He has many gifts and has impressed many through a significant investment in a web presence and speaking/writing abilities. But to work with him is to be frustrated time after time because he doesn't keep his word. I recently shared with him Stephen Carter's conception of integrity from his book by the same name. It really is an integrity issue when you don't take the time to think through and decide what you can and can't do or what is right and wrong. Commitments and promises are broken left and right and soon, and despite good intentions and even a good heart, you are judged as unreliable and untrustworthy by those in the "know" who also must clean up the messes of your failed words. Thanks for the insights.