Monday, May 23, 2011

Keith Speaking on Cross-Cultural Coaching in Seattle

Cross-Cultural Coaching
Leveraging cultural differences for creative synergy.

Puget Sound Coaches Association (ICF)
June 7, 2011 from 5:00pm
REI, Yale Street, Seattle, WA

“The issue is not whether culture matters… The real issue, rather, is how – not whether – culture matters.” Amartya Sen

Your culture and the culture of your client affect the coaching process. It is critical for coaches working with culturally diverse clients to understand basic differences in culture. This interactive presentation will increase awareness of cultural differences and their impact on the coaching process. Through stories, discussion, and coaching models and tools you will learn to recognize and effectively coach those culturally different than you.

You will learn:
1.  How culture impacts your coaching.
2.  Two common cultural scales to enhance your coaching practice.
3. How to leverage culture for your client's growth and goal attainment.

Please join us for an interactive evening with Dr. Keith E. Webb, Principal of Creative Results Management. Keith will share his significant experience as a coach in Japan, Indonesia and Singapore - and serve as inspiration for our local coaching community to build bridges connecting us to the international coaching community. Prepare to experience a shift in your thinking about our place in service to the capable, creative, resourceful and whole global human!

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