Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Coaching Groups by Steve Ogne

It's no surprise - most organizations can't function without forming groups of one kind or another to help accomplish goals. But groups can be challenging places to get work done!

Coaching in a group setting is not only possible, but an extremely effective way to help different types of groups reach their potential together.

The process of coaching groups is similar to coaching individuals, yet with slights differences. In this article I'll give seven skills to coach groups effectively.

Read the whole article and comment below.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Coaching & Social Status

Does coaching work only in Egalitarian societies?

This question emerged from discussion around cultural differences in social structures of societies. In the USA and the Netherlands, for example, inequality is viewed as not good and they strive to eliminate it to be more egalitarian. Whereas in many Asian and Middle East cultures inequality is expected and not a problem.

Coaching is sometimes described as a "partnership" of the coach and coachee "learning together." The meaning of these terms are very different depending on your cultural view of equality in social structures.

Read the whole article here. Comment below.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Keith Speaking on Cross-Cultural Coaching in Seattle

Cross-Cultural Coaching
Leveraging cultural differences for creative synergy.

Puget Sound Coaches Association (ICF)
June 7, 2011 from 5:00pm
REI, Yale Street, Seattle, WA

“The issue is not whether culture matters… The real issue, rather, is how – not whether – culture matters.” Amartya Sen

Your culture and the culture of your client affect the coaching process. It is critical for coaches working with culturally diverse clients to understand basic differences in culture. This interactive presentation will increase awareness of cultural differences and their impact on the coaching process. Through stories, discussion, and coaching models and tools you will learn to recognize and effectively coach those culturally different than you.

You will learn:
1.  How culture impacts your coaching.
2.  Two common cultural scales to enhance your coaching practice.
3. How to leverage culture for your client's growth and goal attainment.

Please join us for an interactive evening with Dr. Keith E. Webb, Principal of Creative Results Management. Keith will share his significant experience as a coach in Japan, Indonesia and Singapore - and serve as inspiration for our local coaching community to build bridges connecting us to the international coaching community. Prepare to experience a shift in your thinking about our place in service to the capable, creative, resourceful and whole global human!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Coaching Feedback

Everyone dreads critical feedback. I suspect those who say otherwise are delusional or maybe their self-images are build on more solid foundations that mine!

During coaching conversations, the coachee sometimes relates to me feedback he received. Coaching others on feedback they received from others can be challenging. I've found four common responses to critical feedback.

Cut through defenses to help the coachee reflect on the feedback to find what parts can be learned from and applied.

Read the whole article and comment below.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Conflicting Leadership Roles

Migel is starting a new church and he's frustrated. "I feel like I can't win," he says. "Things are changing fast, yet we don't have the people to run things. We've got to get some systems in place, but there's no time or people to do it. So, I work on building capacity, but things fall apart in the meantime, and when I 'invest' in people, the other ministry slows down."

Migel is experiencing the conflicting nature of leadership roles. He must lead in multiple ways that are in conflict with each other.

Four Leadership Roles
Four roles, the necessary ingredients for leadership. You can't avoid any of the roles. And you must do them all at the same time.

Read the whole article here. Comment below.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Coaches usually don't have authority over those they coach, so how to coaches provide accountability? This question reveals a bias, that is, authority is needed for accountability. It's not.

The power of coaching is that it is self-directed learning. And coaches provide accountability to those they coach in several ways.

Read the whole article here. Please comment using the button below!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

You or Me?

One notable feature of coaching is its client-centered approach. This means focusing on the other's person's agenda, thoughts, ideas, and allowing them to reach their own conclusions. I find this challenging! The other-centeredness of coaching reveals just how "me" centered I am.

Read the whole article here and comment below.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Coaching Presence

Coaching is hard work.

At coaching workshops I see people physically worn out after a 15 minute coaching practice. What makes coaching so physically taxing? Paying attention.

We all know that during a coaching conversation we shouldn't look at text messages or answer phone calls. Staying present with the client is more than just that. It's engaging the client with your heart, mind, spirit, and intuition during the whole of the conversation. This is called "Coaching Presence."

Read the whole article here and comment below.